H.V [Louis-Hugues Vincent]: Jerusalem sous terre. Les recentes fouilles d'Ophel
London, Horace Cox. 1911. (8)+45 pages+34 plates, some of them numbered i-xiv and xvi-xvii (complete, the lack of a plate numbered "xv" is due to a typo when the plates have been numbered). Publisher's quarter cloth. A bit rubbed with a missing piece of paper on the front board. Red stains on the front board. Blue stripes on the back-board and a split of 2,5 cm in the outer back joints. Inner hinges are firm. Plate viii is split in two parts. 1,5 cm split in the outer margin of plate iii(b) and a split of 4 cm in the lower margin of plate v. Author's dedication. Scarce.
Genre: Arkeologi
Genre: Arkeologi
Pris: 725 kr
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